Django site mockup:


Even though this site is just a mockup, it is fully functioning. Feel free to login and try out the commenting system for example.

The project combines a lot of different types of technologies, many of which were new to me before I started this solo project. It was not …

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Dynamic movement and collision handling


This project is part of a larger project, which involves creating an alive version of a drawing I saw. But to be able to achieve this, the dots involved have to be able to detect eachother and handle collisions accordingly. This turned out to be quite challenging.

Although this version …

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Nutty-Mind: CSS practice


Eventhough I'm more interested in backend development, I still felt I needed to practice my CSS skills. It can be fun, and comes in handy all the time. As practice I tried to copy a certain style I saw in a painting, which resulted in:

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