
This site is generated through Pelican 4.0.1 with the Pelican-Bootstrap3 theme.

If you want different banners for different parts of your website you can do so by making the following adjustments:

- Make sure you have Jinja2 (>=2.10) installed

The .10 stands for ten, so 2.9 will not be up to date. Check your version with:

# The capitals matter
pip freeze | grep Jinja2

And update accordingly with:

# Should update to the most recent version
pip install Jinja2 --upgrade
# Or specify a version
pip install Jinja2==2.10 --upgrade

- Adjust some code in your template

In your theme/pelican-bootstrap3/templates/ folder there is a 'base.html' file. In it you will find the following two snippets of code:

# Snippet 1
<!-- Banner -->
    {% include 'includes/banner.html' %}
{% elif BANNER and not BANNER_ALL_PAGES %}
    {% block banner %}{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
<!-- End Banner -->

# Snippet 2
{% if BANNER %}
    <script src="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ THEME_STATIC_DIR
{% endif %}

Which you can replace with:

# Snippet 1
<!-- Banner -->
{% set banner = namespace(found=false) %}
{% for category, banner_url in CUSTOM_BANNERS %}
    {% if category == output_file and not found %}
        {% set banner.found = true %}
        {% set BANNER = banner_url %}
        {% include 'includes/banner.html' %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- End Banner -->

# Snippet 2
{% if banner.found %}
    <script src="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ THEME_STATIC_DIR
{% endif %}

There is also some banner related clutter in 'index.html' that you can remove if you want to do it correctly. And, if you're somehow bothered by the sitename appearing on your banner, you can remove the '{{ sitename }}' tag from the 'includes/banner.html' file.

- Alter your

Remove the following options completely from your '' file:


And you can now add the following code for some more options concerning you banners:

    ('index.html', './images/banners/gg_aligned_cropped.jpg'),
    ('category/posts.html', './images/banners/my_own_picture.jpg'),
    ('category/projects.html', './images/banners/some_other_picture.jpg'),
    ('pages/About.html', './images/banners/some_picture_about_you.JPG'),
    ('differing-banners.html', './images/banners/picture_for_article.jpg'),

There is the index, categories, pages, and individual articles.



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